Technopred by Guy Stewart It looked like writing to him. If it was and Earth Government found out about it, they’d wipe the area with an enhanced radiation weapon. With his consent, they would wipe his memory and give him a...
Read MoreMay 1, 2013 | Featured, Guy Stewart, Top Five, Volume 4 Issue 5 |
Technopred by Guy Stewart It looked like writing to him. If it was and Earth Government found out about it, they’d wipe the area with an enhanced radiation weapon. With his consent, they would wipe his memory and give him a...
Read MoreMay 1, 2013 | Eric J. Juneau, Featured, Top Five, Volume 4 Issue 5 |
Defender by Eric J. Juneau “Mister Watkins, you know why you’re here again, right?” Vice-Headmaster Meech asked. Caden sighed. “Yes. Because I was caught with a weapon.” “No, because you...
Read MoreApr 1, 2013 | Featured, M.E. Garber, Top Five, Volume 4 Issue 4 |
The Right Place by M.E. Garber Detilba wasn’t at home. Then again, she never was. She was outside, against all Momma’s rules, when she saw the things. At first, she thought they were more leaves, or shadows of...
Read MoreApr 1, 2013 | D. J. Swatski, Featured, Top Five, Volume 4 Issue 4 |
If You’re Reading This, You’re Dead by D. J. Swatski “Press the red button,” boomed the room’s loudspeaker. Jason stretched out the palm of his hand over the large mushroom-shaped button and smacked it flat. The front panel of...
Read MoreMar 31, 2013 | Featured, Gerri Leen, Top Five, Volume 4 Issue 4 |
Man’s Best friend by Gerri Leen Jed watched the woman sitting on the riverbank with two yellow dogs panting at her feet— dogs big enough to feed him and what was left of the three families that lived on Eagle Mountain...
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