Christmas in the Trenches
Christmas in the Trenches by Robert Dawson He was on the frozen rutted road through the loading...
Read MoreNov 29, 2013 | Featured, Robert Dawson, Top Five, Volume 4 Issue 12 |
Christmas in the Trenches by Robert Dawson He was on the frozen rutted road through the loading...
Read MoreNov 29, 2013 | Featured, Salena Casha, Top Five, Volume 4 Issue 12 |
One Kind of Leap By Salena Casha When Marly Hubert jumped off the Galactic Bridge, I was there. I stood alone, spritzer bottle in hand, and hydrated the orchids. It was night, and even though, on the bridge, it was always...
Read MoreOct 28, 2013 | Edward Ahern, Featured, Top Five, Volume 4 Issue 10 |
The Boy Beneath the Beech Tree By Edward Ahern Once, not so long ago, a young boy lived with his grandmother in the woods outside a small town. His mother and father were gone, and his grandma was his only...
Read MoreOct 1, 2013 | Featured, Top Five, Traverse Wolverston, Volume 4 Issue 10 |
In Absentia Rex by Traverse Wolverston Sliding into a chair across from me, the detective leaned forward; his scent was stale cologne and stress-induced sweat. What sort of pieces of work had sat in this chair before me? What...
Read MoreOct 1, 2013 | Featured, Juliana Rew, Top Five, Volume 4 Issue 10 |
Home and Garden Show By Juliana Rew Failing to decide is a decision. I flip the handmade slugs over and between my fingers like a magician with a coin. I made them myself to a fine tolerance. The action soothes me. I let them...
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